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Sylvania Schools

Master Facilities Plan

Master Facilities Plan (MFP)
Throughout the 12-18 month process, the Master Facilities Plan (MFP) committee will evaluate the use of our spaces and eventually make Master Facility Plan recommendations to the Board of Education. The Master Facilities Plan will serve as a blueprint for enhancing the functionality, efficiency,and sustainability of our facilities for years to come.

*Click each heading to view the progress of the MFP committee*

Nov. 2023 - Introduction to the MFP Process

Introduction to the MFP Process:
The Sylvania Board of Education has announced plans to commence a Master Facilities Plan Committee. In alignment with our District’s Strategic Plan, the mission of the Master Facilities Plan Committee is to address the current use of and future planning for the District’s facility infrastructure.

The Master Facilities Plan Committee will be composed of business leaders, community members, employees, parents/guardians and students. After the 18-month process is complete, committee members will be charged with reporting findings to the Sylvania Board of Education. The school district will select members from applications received by Thursday, November 30, 2023.

Committee selections will be announced prior to the kickoff meeting on December 12.  

Considerations for the Master Facilities Plan Committee will include:
*   Enrollment and residential trends
*   Reviewing the maintenance costs associated with the varying ages of buildings across the district (some that require/demand repair beyond typical upkeep.)
*  Preschool services being provided are currently decentralized in classrooms designed for K-5 students.
*  Explore potential grade configurations, redistricting to maximize, build/repurpose current buildings.
*  Increase in diverse learning needs that require unique/special learning spaces.

The information below details the age of each school building across the District:

Arbor Hills JH, year built 1970
Central Trail Elementary, year built 2012
Highland Elementary, year built 1965
Hill View Elementary, year built 2010
McCord JH, year built 1963
Maplewood Elementary, year built  2011
Northview HS, year built 1960
Southview HS, year built 1976
Stranahan Elementary, year built 1956
Sylvan Elementary, year built 1963
Timberstone JH, year built 1997
Whiteford Elementary, year built 1967 

The committee application has closed.

Committee Members

Applications for the committee were due by November 30, 2023. The following committee members are participating throughout the entire 12-18 month process. The committee is comprised of a variety of stakeholders (some represent one or more of the following - current/retired employees, parents, parents of current/former students, alumni, district residents, etc.,...). 

Kimberly Beil
Ben Bolbach
Brian Bollinger
Kelly Borgman
Sara Cover
Sheri Craig
Khallil (Lee) Daher
Dave Dakolios
Tim Dillon
David France
Emma Gess
Dan Greenberg
Shaun Hegarty
Justin Hittler
Inga Holton
Koketta Knowles
Libby Langenderfer
John LePla
Robert Masters
Sean McCarthy
Jeremy McDonald
Beverly Meyer
Ryan Moore
Jason Morris
Andrew mossing
Haya Muflih
Jen Pollard
Michael Quick
Christina Renz
Pamela L Richmond, CPA
Jennifer Somers
Steffon Thomas
Bev Tomsic
Nicholas Tonegato
Kathleen Torti
Lisa Tucker
Bruce Tucker
Karma Vince
District Administrators

Dec. 2023 - Kickoff

This fall, the Board of Education selected The Collaborative to facilitate the 12-18 month MFP process. MFP Committee members and District Administrators gathered at the first MFP meeting on December 12, 2024.

Team members from The Collaborative provided an overview of the process, committee work, and schedule. Additionally, they answered questions and polled the committee members. This provided a general baseline on current thinking about several topics. 

Committee Members will participate in one or more of the following sub-committees:
  • Teaching & Learning Environments
  • Current & Future Facilities
  • Fiscal Responsibility 
Presentation (PDF) (RTF)
Poll Results (PDF) (RTF)Committee meeting at Timberstone JHCommittee meeting at Timberstone JH

Feb. 2023 - Building Tours & Enrollment Trends

Building Tours
In early February, committee members toured Rossford HS (built in 2020) and Hull Prairie Intermediate in Perrysburg (built 2017). This experience helped committee members expand their understanding of learning spaces built for 21st-century education. Many on the committee had only been to our District buildings where they have an affiliation. To expand their knowledge of the District’s buildings, the committee also toured three of our Sylvania Schools. A meeting is scheduled for later February for committee members to discuss the learning spaces from the tours.

Enrollment Trends
Julie Sanford, Director of Student Data & Assessment, presented the topic of Enrollment Trends to the Board of Education on February 12, 2024. The MFP committee will use enrollment trend data to evaluate our building spaces.
  View Board Meeting Presentation (link) 26:28 - 55:05
  Enrollment Trends presentation (link)

Full Committee - Facility Tour & Enrollment Trends Discussion
  Presentation (link)

The MFP process (slides available on this page) was shared with the Superintendent's Educator Advisory Council and community members at the Coffee with the Superintendent. Throughout the MFP process, we will continue to provide information to and seek input from stakeholders through a variety of communication channels.

Educator Advisory Forum
Dr. Motley's Educator Advisory Forum focused on sharing the MFP work and gathering insight from the educators.

March 2024 - Educator Focus Group

During the staff work day on March 19, a focus group of teachers and support staff met with The Collaborative to participate in a discussion similar to the MFP committee meetings. Surveys are being prepared for teachers (all licensed staff members) and support staff. 

April 2024 - Continued Committee Work & Staff Surveys

Teaching & Learning subcommittee
This subcommittee met for a Teaching & Learning Environments discussion. Topics included classroom sizes, furniture, storage, natural light, technology, breakout spaces, libraries/media centers, fine and performing arts, and 21st-century learning trends.  
Presentation (PDF) (RTF)
subcommittee meeting

Staff Surveys
This month, surveys will be sent to District educators and support staff.

Current Facilities & Future Needs subcommittee
This subcommittee met for a discussion regarding Facilities. Topics included a summary of information gathered to this point, projected enrollment and capacity, critical infrastructure improvements and existing learning enviornments.
Presentation (PDF) (RTF)
Subcommittee meeting
Community Newsletter
The District Digest was mailed to all residents and businesses at the end of April. The focus of the Superintendent's message was the Master Facilities Plan. (LINK - View/download the District Digest)

May 2024 - Committee Work

Fiscal Responsibility subcommittee
The Fiscal Responsibility subcommittee met in early May to discuss enrollment projections and capacity, district financials, and critical infrastructure improvements.
Presentation (PDF) (RTF)
Committee meeting

Students with Disabilities and Preschool subcommittee
This subcommittee discussed the existing learning environments as well as trends and best practices for both special education and preschool.
Presentation (PDF) (RTF)
Committee meeting

Coffee with the Superintendent
Parents and community members had the opportunity to hear Dr. Motley present on the MFP process and review many of the slides that have been presented to the committees. The discussion included preschool, feedback from teachers, our current classrooms and classrooms/spaces in other Districts.
Presentation (PDF, RTF)

MFP Next Phase
Administrators and The Collaborative are developing plans for the next phase, which will bring the MFP committee information to the greater Sylvania community (parents and community members). The timing will likely be in early fall that information, similar to the Coffee with the Superintendent session, will be shared more widely.

Summer 2024 - Data Gathering

Over the summer and into the fall, administrators and The Collaborative continued gathering data and discussing points to consider related to enrollment, learning environments, and infrastructure. The information from the sub-committees, data, and discussions led to the presentation slides presented to the MFP committee in November. 

Sep. 2024 - Updates to Community Groups

In September, Dr. Motley shared the timeline and work of the MFP sub-committees at a Sylvania Area Chamber of Commerce luncheon and a Rotary Club of Sylvania meeting.

The Collaborative continued working on possible future scenarios based on enrollment, infrastructure, and learning environments.

Oct. 2024 - Forming Possible Scenarios

The Collaborative continued work on possible scenarios to share with the large MFP committee in November.

Nov. 2024 - MFP Committee Meeting

The MFP Committee met on November 4. The presentation provided the committee with the updated enrollment projections/capacity, potential scenarios for accommodating growth, possible infrastructure improvements and potential learning environment enhancements.
Presentation (PDF) (RTF)

Dec. 2024 Presentation

On December 6, Dr. Motley met with community and business leaders to share an MFP update that included enrollment projections/capacity, potential scenarios for accommodating growth, possible infrastructure improvements and potential learning environment enhancements.

A  survey was sent to all District parents/guardians to gather input on satisfaction with current facilities and strategies for accommodating growth and enhancing facilities.
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