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All Day Closure
Due to inclement weather and slick road conditions, Sylvania Schools will be CLOSED on Thursday, February 13, 2025.
Voice Recognition

Sylvania Schools

Student Data and Assessment

Department of Student Data & Assessment

The Department of Student Data and Assessment provides district direction and support for the following educational areas: 

  • District Testing 
  • Education Management Information System (EMIS) Reporting
  • State & Federal Programming (Title Grants)
  • Sylvania Virtual Academy

District Testing

Working with building and departmental leaders, this department ensures that students have access to the district-wide testing program, staff have the necessary tools and information to prepare students for the tests and to administer the tests, and administrators have the tools to oversee testing within their buildings. As a district, we rely on the results of state and district testing to shape individual student growth and future learning.

AP Testing (link-  AP Testing information, dates and resources 



 It is also part of our mission to ensure that student and staff information is reported accurately and consistently to the state as mandated. This data drives school funding and accountability measures. Monitoring our district data and using it to promote school improvement is a key goal of our district. 

EMIS Contact


State Programs
State funding provides wraparound services to help students overcome obstacles in learning. Our student wellness program provides physical and mental health services to support the whole child. See more details in the link below:

Student Wellness & Success

Federal Programs

In addition, this department oversees the planning and spending of federal grant dollars provided through Title funding. Working together as a team, we determine our needs and how best to address achievement gaps. Supplemental funding is applied to schools with the greatest needs.

Sylvania Schools is seeking input from parents on the use of Title I provided via the use of federal funds. Please contact Julie Sanford, director of federal programs if you are interested in providing input.


Federal Programming Resource Guide

District Parent and Family Participation Policy

Parents Right to Know Letter

Parents Right to Know FAQ

Getting Involved: Sylvania Schools Parent Organization


Sylvania Virtual Academy
Finally, the Sylvania Virtual Academy (SVA) falls under the direction of the Data & Assessment Department. Currently located at Southview High School, we provide a state standard aligned online curriculum for students who require a non-traditional learning setting. This setting has proven to work well with students who are credit deficient as well as those with medical or other needs that may require an alternative setting. The classroom is led by two veteran teachers, Mandy Ballantyne and Katherine Jensen, who provide individualized support for students enrolled in the SVA. Both teachers are highly qualified intervention specialists who will serve those students with disabilities as well as all students enrolled in the SVA. Currently, there are 120 seats available. Students at Northview and Southview may attend and must complete an application (link) to be considered for admission. The admission process begins at a student’s home school through his/her school counselor. SVA students are still students at their home schools (Northview or Southview) and may participate in extracurriculars. Also, students who attend SVA and complete graduation requirements in SVA will receive a diploma from the home school. 
Julie Sanford
Julie Sanford
Director of Student Data & Assessment
Sylvania, Ohio 43560 

Mandy Ballantyne

Teacher Sylvania Virtual Academy

Support Services Facility

7400 Cougar Lane

419-824-8580 ext. 6174 

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