Who Can Attend
Through the provision of FAPE (Free and Appropriate Public Education), the preschool program is offered to district children, ages three to five or kindergarten transition, who have been identified through IDEA part B as a preschool child with a disability.
The program is also open to resident children, ages three through six, as peer models. Peers must be three years of age on or before Aug. 1st. Peers are “models” to the other students, and support learning through peer-to-peer relationships.
Class Locations and Times
The program is run Monday through Thursday at Highland, Maplewood, and Whiteford. All three schools have morning and afternoon classes.
Highland class times are 9:20am to 11:57am and 1:08pm to 3:45pm
Maplewood class times are 9:20am to 11:57am and 1:08pm to 3:45pm
Whiteford class times are 9:00am to 11:37am and 12:53pm to 3:30pm
Northview class times are 9:25am to 12:02pm and 1:13pm to 3:50pm *only for students receiving special education services*
Tuition Fees
2024-25 School Year:
The Peer student preschool tuition fee is $1,250 for the 2024-25 school year. This is broken down into a $125 non-refundable deposit and nine $125 monthly tuition payments. If you have two or more Peer students in the program during the 2024-25 school year the fee is $1,000 per student. That fee is broken down into a $100 deposit and nine $100 monthly tuition payments per sibling student.
2025-26 School Year:
The Peer student preschool tuition fee is $1,450 for the 2025-26 school year. This is broken down into a $145 non-refundable deposit and nine $145 monthly tuition payments. If you have two or more Peer students in the program during the 2025-26 school year the fee is $1,200 per student. That fee is broken down into a $120 deposit and nine $120 monthly tuition payments per sibling student.
There is no tuition fee if the student is receiving special education services through the preschool program.
Students who are receiving special education services through the preschool program have access to transportation services to and from the program.
Parents/Guardians of Peer students are responsible for transporting their student to and from the program.
Preschool Weather Delays and Closings
When weather conditions necessitate the delay or cancellation of school, every attempt is made to announce this decision through the media by 6:00 a.m. Please listen to the radio or television stations for school delays or closing announcements. Television and radio announcements will use our official name - Sylvania Schools. Please do not call the school office.
The two-hour delay results in the following schedule for preschoolers 2023-24 school year. Parents are responsible for transportation on weather delay days. There will not be bus service.
Highland & Maplewood
11:20-12:57 morning class
2:08-3:45 afternoon class
11:00-12:37 morning class
1:53-3:30 afternoon class
Northview (for students receiving special education services)
11:25 -1:02 morning class
2:13-3:50 afternoon class
When it has been announced that the opening of school will be delayed, it would be wise to stay tuned to the station because there is always a possibility that a second announcement might need to be made, stating that Sylvania Schools have closed.